Mechanical puzzles
A puzzle is a problem or enigma presented as entertainment; that is written down, acted out, etc. Many puzzles stem from serious mathematical or logistical problems, whereas others are devised for the sole purpose of being brain teasers. The history of puzzles goes back many thousand years, a tangram being one of the earliest and still one of the most popular puzzles. In certain temples of Japan monks used to write mathematical puzzles on temple walls.
Hello everyone. Accidentally posted in the wrong place. I’m new to the site, and hoping to quench my thirst for some interesting puzzles. I’m a big fan of Kakuro’s (big ones) and Samurai Soduko. The biggest reason I’m back online (I usually do hard copy) is that I’ve been exploring the 3D and java applet Rubik’s Cubes. Why? I taught college computer applications a few years ago, Access, Excel, etc. It was the entire Microsoft Suite – beginner to advanced. Ever the taskmaster, I went outside the box on a lot of projects with competitive projects.
i wants to increase my creativity and inovation power.I think that this is one of the best way to make your mind upto date, through puzzels.
4x4x4 Logic Cube - based on a 1992 Romanian patent
4x4x4 Logic Cube is based on a 1992 Romanian patent and is more reliable and durable then the Hungarian version. This puzzle is a more daunting challenge than the 3x3x3 cube. The number of pieces is far greater, and there are no "fixed" pieces to serve as a reference. |
Falling Marbles - 3D puzzles involving a cube and 26 balls only
Logic Cube with Balls (Falling Marbles) is a puzzle based on a 1992 Romanian patent and is a very simple but challenging mechanical puzzle. The main idea of the puzzle is to have a transparent cube or any other regular polyhedron filled with a number of moving pieces, balls or cubes (27 balls, for example). If we consider only 26 balls in a transparent cube, there is an empty space (the place of the missing ball), which makes it possible to move the balls by rotating the puzzle. |
Mechanical Puzzles
Mechanical puzzles are those with moveable, though constrained, objects ...
Logic Cube with Balls (Falling Marbles) is one of the most simple mechanical puzzles known. The puzzle is a transparent cube containing 26 balls. There is an empty space (the place of the missing ball), which makes it possible to roll the balls inside the cube.
4x4x4 Logic Cube is a far more daunting challenge than the 3x3x3 cube. The number of pieces is far greater, and there are no "fixed" pieces to serve as a reference.
These puzzles are a challenge for anyone!